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Publisher: Port Town Publisher
Release Date: Aug. 2003
ISBN: 0974083380
Format Reviewed: Trade paperback
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Genre: Fantasy
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Janet Elaine Smith
Reviewer Notes:  Janet Elaine Smith is the author of 11 published novels, including Par for the Course, a “best time travel of 2003” from Affaire de Couer magazine. Coming in Feb. 2004 are non-fiction book, The Flood of the Millennium: The Real Heroes, the Survivors and new inspirational historical romance, Dakota Printer. She also writes regularly for 10 print magazines and numerous online sites.

The Guardian
By Denise Fleischer

      Denise Fleischer plunges into new water with her debut novel, The Guardian. She will hook the reader from the very beginning as Crusader Lea Netera, from Elezian Universe, travels back in time to the Revolutionary War era when she puts in a most unexpected appearance at a meeting in Paris, France, where the likes of John Paul Jones and Benjamin Franklin are in attendance. She is hard-pressed to try to explain her presence.

      “Netera,” as she is known, moves around in history like a ghost flits back and forth from one of its favorite haunts to another. She travels to the Civil War and then to a delightful episode in Texas, at the Alamo. She notes a need for a wagon train, so she quickly moves ahead to today to get the wagon wheels she needs to take back with her. I found this to be one of the best parts of the book.

     Netera interacts very effectively with Holians, demons and a talking dragon, but to me the most endearing of her relationships was that which she experienced with her father. I found it delightfully refreshing that a father from the future was as concerned about his daughter and her outrageous adventures as a father of today—or one of yesterday—would have been.

      A very good read. Highly recommended.