Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Berkley
Release Date: Oct. 2004
ISBN: 0425198243
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Fantasy
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Robyn Glazer
Reviewer Notes:  

Incubus Dreams
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter 
By Laurell K. Hamilton

      Anita Blake is back and on the trail of a possible supernatural serial killer. She is called to the scene of a murdered young woman, and by the evidence she can tell that this has not been done by humans. While she wants to get to the bottom of this case, unfortunately, her personal life is getting in the way. Although she is getting better at controlling the ardeur that consumes her, she his now learning new things about her existing trimuvate and accidentally starting another one that she must now take care of. Life has never been easy for Anita, but now more than ever things have been sticky.

      As Anita Blake is one of my favorite characters of all times, it pains me to write this. Incubus Dreams is not nearly as strong as the rest of the books in the series, if simply for the fact that the book focuses on sex most of the time and pushes the mystery into the background. Most of my favorite characters are present and some great new ones are introduced. Edward is nowhere to be found, but Ronnie is back. I will definitely read the next book when it comes out; I just hope that it goes back to the way the earlier Anita Blake books were.