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Publisher: Taylor-Madison Publishing Co.
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0-9744947-0-4
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Science Fiction / Fantasy
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewer Notes:  

Merlin the Sorcerer
The Battle of Dragons Series  
By William P. Burch

    I have always been excited by tales of the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, so when this book promised to reveal the truth behind the legend, I just had to read it. It seems that there is an odd similarity between the legend of King Arthur of the ancient Kingdom of Briton and Kukulkan of the ancient Mayan Empire, and this series tells the story of that coincidence. In this book, the setting of the old Briton Empire is so realistic you actually feel you are there. The sights, sounds and smells are almost tangible.

    Archeologist Merlin Lakin is hired to find out why the ancient Mayan kings disappeared. Merlin and his crew find an ancient research center where the Mayans tinkered with time travel and by combining the ancient Mayan secrets with modern technology they perfect time travel methodology.

    King Arthur II of Great Britain offers to fund the group if Merlin will research a possible link between himself and King Arthur of legend. The scientists are able to pinpoint the time and place of destination at will. Merlin goes back and forth between Ancient Briton, and modern Great Britain, orchestrating the ascent of the baby Arthur to the monarchy. Merlin takes part in the heady excitement of the hand-to-hand battles of the high-kings and their enemies that set in motion the events that make Great Britain what it is today.

     Filled with mystery, friendship, love, and high adventure, this historical science fiction novel is an exciting journey into the past. I definitely want to join Merlin when he goes to the jungles of Guatemala to find out what happened to the ancient Mayans. I don't normally read science fiction, but this one really piqued my interest, and kept me reading late into the night.

    King Arthur fans...this is a winner.