Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Fall of Knight
3rd of David’s 21st Century Arthurian Trilogy

by Peter David

      This third book of the Knight trilogy reminded me of Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It pokes fun at everything that we tend to take seriously in our own little way like life, death, religion, personal privacy, government conspiracies and the end of the world.

In book 2, One Knight Only, US President Arthur Penn’s wife Gwen is shot by an attempted assassin and while she lies in a coma he takes off with his White House Chief of Staff to find the Holy Grail in order to heal her. She recovers and they go into hiding to protect the secret of the Grail. Of course in Fall of Knight way too much gets leaked to the press and what are you going to do, tell people they aren’t worthy of being healed? Thus are Grail Ale and the beginning of the end of the world on their well-intended way.

There is a lot of funny dialogue between Gwen and Arthur as they bicker about little married-people issues while the big picture swirls around them, there are many funny references to medieval and renaissance Arthurian writings, but my biggest chuckle came when Arthur says he has to be king again, they wrote a book about him: The Return of the King. There is a lot of serious religious dialogue and it is hard to sort out the good guys from the bad ones. There is a heart wrenching sub-story that may in time add a new layer to the overall Arthurian mythos and for me that was the jewel hidden in the pages.

The book ends as has to, everybody lives happily ever after and there is a cameo appearance by a very special guest star. If you like silliness, satire and irreverence you will appreciate the telling of this tale.

The Book

June 6, 2006
Fantasy - Contemporary
More at
NOTE: violence

The Reviewer

Beth E. McKenzie
Reviewed 2006
© 2006