Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Magic Toybox

Edited by Denise Little

      In the Introduction to The Magic Toybox, editor Denise Little remembers her childhood love of toys and her childhood belief that they all contained a spark of magic, a life beyond the toybox. That is the basis for all 13 tales in The Magic Toybox. I love short story collections for their ability to serve up such incredibly varied tone and style of stories unified by a single theme, and the stories in this collection are wonderfully different. Jody Lynn Nye’s "The Revenge of Chatty Cathy" made me laugh out loud (just a note, when planning a car jacking, always check for dolls in the backseat). Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s "Losing Dolly" made me cry and Mel Odom’s "The Affair of the Wooden Boy" gave me a nice case of the creeps, I was sorry when it was over. I can’t say I loved every story - both "Roadshow" and "Cubby Grumbles Makes a Change" seemed like stories that would have been better if they didn’t run on quite so much. But I really connected with the book’s theme and found all the varied explorations of it fascinating.

The Book

Daw Books/Penguin Putnam
August 2006
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2006
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2006