Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Soul Searcher
The Reckoning, Part One

by Stephen S. Arend

      Soul Searcher is the story of Rork, a mercenary soldier, a man who feels no emotion but one: anger. This can vary in intensity from mild irritation to violent rage. For the most part, he feels nothing at all. You see, Rork has only half a soul.

He was this way as far back as he can remember, which is only the last ten of his thirty years. He has no recollection of how he came to be this way. It is as if a wall has been built around his childhood. He has no memory of what caused his amnesia.

What Rork cannot remember is what the other half of his soul cannot forget. Back when he was a complete soul, Mordeth Bron committed an unspeakable crime. He took the lives of others to prolong his own. He then used more forbidden magic to create a new young body into which he would transfer his soul. But when the transfer was only half complete, Greon, the Lord of the Blight, trapped the last half of his soul in a jade soulstone, intending to also take the other half with him. But that half escaped to become Rork, someone no human could stand to be near.

Rork finally left his refuge of Hillspur when one of a group of Hillspur Scouts tried to engage him in a fight. He was sent away, so he decided to find his past. He was accompanied by one of the scouts, a lad with golden hair named Bregan.

Soul Searcher is one of those rare books that grabs your attention with the opening sentence and keeps it to the end. As Rork learns to care about others and accept the One True God, you feel there may be hope for mankind yet. This is a book no fantasy reader should miss.

The Book

Publish America
February 7,2005
More at
NOTE: Contains violence, mild bad language

The Reviewer

Jo Rogers
Reviewed 2006
© 2006