Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Valentine's Exile
A novel of The Vampire Earth

by E. E. Knight

      It seems the earth has been taken over by Kurians - blue-tentacled nasty things that eat auras (which appears to be fatal). Seems Kurians can't slime about so well though, so they use Reapers to collect auras. Reapers also suck blood - lots of it - and are generally nasty things. Along with the Reapers, the Kurians have brought all sorts of things to the party: harpies, gargoyles, and big, BIG worms. Some of the people of Earth live under Kurian rule (some peacefully, some by doing very bad things) while others fight. David Valentine is one of the fighters. In this episode, politics catch up to Valentine in a big way, threatening his freedom and his life. But Valentine is not a man to be slowed down for long and most of the story is a quest to find the missing wife of a man maimed in a battle with the Kurians; a man Valentine holds among his closest friends. The wife is deep in Kurian strongholds though, and Valentine must do a lot of butt kicking to have any chance of accomplishing his quest. Coming in as I did on the fifth book in a series, I had a little trouble getting acclimated during Valentine's Exile. I would definitely suggest working into this series from the beginning. Although I could see the ending coming for a long time, I still found the book fast-paced and highly entertaining. It's a bit gruesome and dark, but ultimately has a nice balance of nobility and reality. As pure entertainment, it's gripping from beginning to end.

The Book

ROC Hardcover
May 2006
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2006
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2006