Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Heart of the Mirage
Book One The Mirage Makers

by Glenda Larke

      Ligea Gayed is the daughter of a wealthy general, and works for the secret police. Proud of her high status as a citizen of the powerful Tyranian Empire and happy in her work, there seem to be no clouds on her horizon. She is sent to the land of her birth, occupied Kardiastan, to arrest a rebel leader who is said to have risen from his execution. Ligea always knew of her adoption, but has never been curious about her Kardi roots. What happens in this strange, desert land will change everything, forever.

This is the first novel published in the UK from Aussie writer Ms Larke, and if it is a sample of what is to come, I hope she has a long and prolific career. Told in the first person by Ligea, this is her story from complacent oppressor to... well, you will have to read the book to find out more. For this is a real page-turner, told with the sort of storyteller style which takes the dross of bog-standard fantasy and spins it into the gold of a good yarn. Looking back on it now I can see that this truly is a case of "it ain’t what you do it’s the way you do it." For, although I have read novels with this plotline many times, while I read this it seemed like new. Ligea’s character changes are perhaps the most absorbing part of the story, and if the cliffhanger ending is anything to go by, book two is going to be even more exciting. Good stuff.

The Book

Orbit (Little, Brown)
August 2007
Fantasy - Fantastic Location
More at UK
NOTE: Not available yet on Amazon US site

The Reviewer

Rachel A Hyde
Reviewed 2007
© 2007