Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Warrior Angel

by Margaret and Lizz Weis

      Margaret Weis teams up with her daughter, Lizz, to bring us Warrior Angel, a paranormal romance. Heaven and Hell are at war for the souls of mankind, something we all know. Warrior Angel is supposed to be a view of one part of that war.

Derek de Molay is in Purgatory, the battlefield where the warrior angels, led by the Archangel Michael, wage battle against the demon armies of Hell. He is there because he hasn't completely put his trust in God. He seems to have lost his faith when he was being tortured during the Inquisition. As one of the Knights Templar, he was accused of the greed and corruption that brought them down. De Molay could spare himself the torture if he just confessed his sins. However, he refused to confess to things he didn't do. A true knight was a man of honor and Derek de Molay was nothing if he was not a true knight. Thus, he was tortured to death.

However, Derek had never learned to love. Now, he was given a special assignment. He is now a commander, but he's to be taken from the battlefield and assigned to Earth. He will be placed in a human body, but he will still possess his special angel powers, though he is forbidden to use them. He is to take no action, merely observe and report to William. Rachel Duncan's guardian angel has gone missing, and Derek is to find out why. He is also to find out what the demons are planning.

Though this is a fascinating and satisfying romance, there are many elements that people familiar with the Bible may find distracting. The best way to enjoy this novel is to remember it is a fantasy, a fairy tale, not real. It can, in that way, if one can ignore the useless sex scenes, be an enjoyable yarn. Pick up a copy and dive in.

The Book

Avon Books
Feb 2007
More at
NOTE: Contains violence, strong language, explicit sex

The Reviewer

Jo Rogers
Reviewed 2007
© 2006