Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Breath of Earth
Blood of Earth #1
Beth Caro

Harper Voyager
August 23, 2016 / ISBN 9780062422064

Reviewed by Jan Fields


In this alternate world novel, it's 1906 and very much a man's world and fueled by magic. The United States has joined with Japan in an effort to achieve world domination. Ingrid Carmichael is a creature who should not exist: a woman with the powers of a geomancer. In fact, she may be the most powerful geomancer the world has ever known. But when nearly everyone she knows is assassinated, it's up to Ingrid and some unusual new friends to save San Francisco, and possibly the world. I love fantasy novels set in the early nineteen hundreds as it was an interesting and sometimes horrific time. Ingrid is a dynamic and interesting character, but I believe the greatest strength in the novel is the secondary characters: Ingrid's mentor Sakaguchi, whose secret keeping seemed logical and sensible -- something we often don't see with characters who keep secrets from other characters; Ingrid's new friend Cy, who comes across as noble without being annoying; her old friend Lee, who feels as if he will be unfolding as a character long into the future; and Fenris, who is just a funny, unpredictable delight. I loved the revelations about Lee and Fenris that unfolded in the story, and look forward to how those characters and secrets will play out in future books. The romantic elements with Ingrid and Cy felt a little forced, especially early on, but they didn't distract overly much. I enjoyed the world building in this novel, especially how real it felt and how cleverly it explored real issues of sexism and racism. The magic element was also interesting and should be fascinating to follow in future books. Overall, this was a solid launch to a new series by a skilled storyteller. Enjoyable and intriguing.

Reviews of other titles in this series

Call of Fire #1

Reviewer Janis Fields is the author of over two dozen books for children and adults including Threads of Deceit, Ghost Light Burning, Wellspring of Magic, and Emerald Dragon.
Reviewed 2016