Bits and Pieces to Ponder
By R. Lance Sheridan
Bedside Books
ISBN: 1589821025
Nonfiction / Self Help - Inspirational

Reviewed by Susan Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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R Lance Sheridan is a Maryland author who has 11 books to his credit. With "Bits and Pieces to Ponder" he describes his book as inspirational for the new millennium. I must say I agree with this description.

"Bits and Pieces to Ponder" is a rather small book. Smaller than the palm of my hand, and no I don't have huge hands. However in this tiny little tome is the wisdom of the ages. Such wonderful advice as "Avoid dwelling on thoughts that cause self worth and self-esteem to decline." Great advice, though I must admit that I have to work to put this into effect. Another great one that I have more or less adopted was "Go to bed with hope and rise with inspiration." Such neat sayings; such great thoughts!

With this book you can pick it up, thumb through it, find a thought or idea that strikes your fancy or gets you to thinking. Then simply lay the book aside, hopefully where another lucky person can access it. When you are once again in need of inspiration or something to stimulate your brain, to get those cells jumping, you can reach once more to this wonderful little book. Hopefully, whoever used it last left it close by where you can easily find it. If the book seems to be busy a lot, maybe this would be an indication that gift books are in order.

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