Living Your Colors
Practical Wisdon for Live, Love, Work, and Play
By Tom Maddron
Warner Books - December 2002
ISBN: 0446679119 - Paperback
Nonfiction / Self-Help

Reviewed by Stormy Beasley, MyShelf.Com
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Living Your Colors is intriguing. Some may feel that it is a nebulous concept to live by the traits represented by a specific color. I think there can a grain of truth to the idea. In the book, the reader takes a quiz, and from this quiz determines the color and hence type of personality he/she may have. How much credit should one lend to this book? Just a little bit. Even in such things as numerology, there is a grain of truth found in the numbers. Living Your Colors gives another way to look at oneself and possibly the world. Checking it out could be enlightening.

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