The Mate Map
The Right Tool for Choosing the Right Mate
By Steven Sacks
Banner Publishing Company - August 2002
ISBN: 0971388709 - Hardback

Reviewed by Suzie Housley,
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To achieve success, a person must have a plan for which direction they need to take. Successful career paths are established each day by taking the time to ask yourself what things make you happy. What is surprising is that time and effort spent in making a career choice is not repeated in another important phase of life--finding the ideal mate. In the United States alone, there are 53 million people between the ages of 20 and 49 who are searching for that someone special or are in a relationship and are trying to decide if the person they are with is the "right one." I was very happy to find such an informative book as Steven Sacks's The Mate Map: The Right Tool for Choosing the Right Mate. With this book I was able to gain invaluable lessons on how to chart a course to find the perfect mate. The Mate Map provides a structure that has helped me recognize my ideal mate. By reading it, I was able to obtain information that will enable me to make accurate assessments about the character and personality traits I favor and lead me to a far greater objectivity in finding a relationship and ensuring it is a lasting and fulfilling experience. This powerful well-thought-out book is a must read for anyone seeking expert advice on how to find "Mr./Ms. Right". Do yourself a favor; set sail on an exciting adventure-ensure you make reading The Mate Map a top priority!

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