Life Enhancing Perspectives
By Donald S. Neviaser
Kanevia Books - December 4, 2000
ISBN: 096612310 - Paperback
Fiction / Self-Help

Reviewed by Suzie Housley, MyShelf.Com
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Have you ever finished reading a book and knew immediately it had just changed your life? After finishing THE INNER VIEW: LIFE ENHANCING PERSPECTIVES by Donald S. Neviaser, I knew by the warm, tranquil feeling that engulfed my body that I was the proud recipient of something special.

THE INNER VIEW: LIFE ENHANCING PERSPECTIVES presents the reader with powerful quotes that can assist anyone in dealing with life's ever-present challenging obstacles. In the small compact size you will find a wealth of information in the 221 pages. Inside you will find a treasure chest full of sayings that focus on being happy, making the most of who you are, success and moving forward, and many worthwhile others. Also, it strives to improve the quality of one's life. More than once, I found myself flagging different passages to refer to when future events occurred. With these thought-filled words, it allowed me to envision all the emotions that it took for the author to create such a masterpiece.

Such writing talent as this author so effortlessly exhibits is to be commended. To say this novel comes highly recommended is an understatement.

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