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Publisher: Women Talk Money
Release Date: 2002
ISBN: 0971171513
Format Reviewed:
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Genre: Nonfiction / Self-Help
Reviewer: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Reviewer Notes: Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the award-winning author of This is the Place and Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered"


It's Only Money
A Primer for Women
By Allison Acken, Ph.D.

Money Can Be Fun

Facts, Figures and Advice
You'll Love Even If You Don't Think
You Need It

     At first I was a little insulted that It's Only Money was subtitled "A Primer for Women." I had a hard time imagining that such a book would be directed at men.

     Then I noticed that the author (Allison Acken) is a Ph.D. She had trouble learning to handle money herself. That piqued my interest.

     Then--when I opened the book--I noticed all the little facts about the disparity between women and men and their finances. That's when I decided that women darn right NEED this book more than men. 'Cause men don't tend to have financial cards stacked against them.

     I grew up knowing how to manage money but I thought I'd review this book anyway. I'm here to tell you that even if you know what to do with a quarter, you'll probably learn something from this book you didn't already know.

Not only that. This is fun reading.

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