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Publisher:  Harper Audio
Release Date:  
ISBN:  0060538236
Format Reviewed:  CD – 2 discs
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Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer:   Brenda Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

The One Minute Apology
A Powerful Way to Make Things Better
By Ken Blanchard  

     I’m not familiar with The One Minute Manger, so when I popped The One Minute Apology in my disc player, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I figured it would be a lot business rhetoric followed by a quick way to say: “Whoops. Sorry.” I’m happy to say I was wrong.

     The foreword is by Spencer Johnson, M.D., author of Who Moved My Cheese. The rest of the book is a parable of sorts, involving a young assistant who is concerned about his job and his boss. The board feels their company is failing but the president, his boss, refuses to take the blame or apologize. The boss wants to meet and discuss the board with his young assistant after the weekend. The problem is the young assistant doesn’t know what to do, so he turns to the Minute Manager.

     Off the assistant goes to spend a weekend with his good friend, the Minute Manager. They are a kind family; maybe a bit overly sweet for some, but the skill to apologize without hesitation can dispel the moodiness of a guilty conscience and explain why they have no problems. The Minute Manager’s family – including Granny, gardening and golf are included in his wisdom. Granny speaks on “Integrity.” The other chapters involve such subjects as: Surrender, Apology at Home and at Work, Taking Responsibility, Apologizing to Yourself, and A Chance to Get It Right. The further I got into the chapters the more I was convinced and began to analyze myself as a person. This may be a business CD, but I recommend it to anyone who wants to become a better person in general.

     Narrator of the audio book is Sam Tsoutsouvas. In the beginning, his monotone voice was at times that of an overly serious, unfriendly college professor, but by the second CD his voice had relaxed. This is a business book and Tsoutsouvas has a voice that speaks strictly business – they’re a good match.

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