Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Rodale Books
Release Date: November 3, 2004
ISBN: 1594860750
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Non-Fiction/Self Help
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:  

By Dennie Hughes

     Attention single people worldwide, if there is one book you must read in 2004, it's Dennie Hughes Dateworthy. This book is one that will have you doing an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses in order to help you attract a potential soul mate. I was so impressed with this book I carried it for an entire week to share its golden knowledge with all of my friends and coworkers.

     Throughout these thought-provoking pages, I found expert advice on how to resolve and conquer some of most destructive behaviors. In addition, I was able to learn a technique on how to recognize what makes a good, bad, or salvageable guy. There also are many quizzes and question and answer sections. which gave me the opportunity to turn this book into one catering to my own needs. After reading this book, I kept finding myself flipping back to memorable pages - few books have ever left this type of impression once finished.

    Being thirty-two and single makes a book like this one an eye opening revelation. Hopefully, by absorbing the knowledge and guidance that I found in this book, I have increased my chances of finding a long and lasting love. Very highly recommended.