Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Daily Drucker
366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done

By Peter F. Drucker

     Throughout my years in college, during my four-year quest to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Management, there was one name that clearly stood out of all the names I heard– Peter Drucker. With every paper I completed on his work I gained a better appreciation for what this remarkable man has achieved. Drucker’s words are the foundation to which many businesses accredit their success. His works consist of thirty-five books and he continues to add to his vast collection.

   He is highly respected and millions practice his management philosophies on a daily basis. Ingeniously some of his best work has been compiled into a remarkable daily devotional calendar, The Daily Drucker : 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done. Each day readers will be provided a daily dose of innovation, leadership, effectiveness, and adapting to change. I feel this is the perfect way to start off each morning, watching the sun rise by indulging in this positive and influential management route.

    For those management professionals for whom you struggle to find the perfect gift, your search is over. The advice this book contains will have the owner wanting to reread it with every passing year. This book will definitely appease the appetite of all true professionals.

The Book

October 26, 2004
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005