Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Fight Back
Arm Yourself with Mental and Physical Self-Defense

by Dominick DiVito, Wynonna Judd (Foreword)

      Women worldwide, if there is one book that you need to read in 2005, it is Dominick DiVito's Fight Back: Arm Yourself with Mental and Physical Self-Defense. No one plans to be a victim of circumstances but each day crimes occur to everyday people like you and me.

  • Every 22.8 seconds, one violent crime occurs:
  • One aggravated assault every 36.8 seconds
  • One robbery every 1.5 minutes
  • One forcible rape every 5.6 minutes
  • One murder every 31.8 minutes

Crime Clock, Washington DC: Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2003

With startling statistics as those listed above it is crucial you prepare yourself for the unexpected. This book gave me a very eye opening experience for it reminded me criminals come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. With each real life scenario I put myself in that situation and asked myself how I would react if I were presented with that situation. I was surprised at the amount of wrong answers I selected. One of my greatest faults was that I believed that if I was ever attacked that it would guarantee certain harm or serious injury.

DiVito has an impressive twenty years' experience teaching self-defense to celebrities, law enforcement officers, and average citizens. The techniques he shares in this book are easy to understand and can be mastered by anyone. There is no complex Martial Arts that are used - each technique uses your own body as a protective assault weapon. Another selling point was the fact you do not have to be in top physical shape.

To say I was impressed with Fight Back: Arm Yourself with Mental and Physical Self-Defense is an understatement. I feel this book is well worth double the price it is listed. There is no foreseeable end to the amount of crime that occurs each day, why not take steps to protect yourself?

'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' - Benjamin Franklin.

The Book

Center Street (Time Warner)
October 27, 2005
More at

The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005