Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Gertrude's Cupboard
Recapturing Minds Stolen By Disease

by E. J. Cockey

      The promise on the cover of this book indicates that you might be able to reverse dementia. Since my husband suffers from that malady, I was anxious to read this book and put its wisdom to use.

However, it falls woefully short of any real insight into Alzheimer's disease or dementia and any possibility of improving such a condition. She does give dementia patients brief reprieves from the loneliness of their world by Art therapy.

The book chronicles the author's own challenges with her beloved son's Schizophrenia and her own financial shortfalls for daily living. Through her friendship with a 90-year-old lady who shows her that prayers are sometimes answered, and her art therapy sessions for Alzheimer's patients, her hope is renewed, and she learns what is important in life and improves her own level of existence.

The Book

E. J. Cockey and Company
February 2005
Trade Paperback
Nonfiction/Self Help
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2005
© 2005