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Stop When You See Red

By Carol Welsh

     "It's possible to have a richly satisfying life within your present circumstances." Carol Welsh, author of Stop When You See Red

     According to Carol Welsh, everyone is born with Empowering Tendencies, which lead us to take positive action and help us feel better about ourselves. We also have Limiting Tendencies, which cause us to react, often negatively, to others and events, and therefore leave us feeling tired or out-of-control.

     How we perceive the world around us affects our responses. In Stop When You See Red, the author identifies and defines four perceptual styles: Audio, Visual, Feeler and Wholistic. A simple self-appraisal leads to great personal insight by helping readers identify their primary Perception, along with their current Empowering and Limiting Tendencies.

     The author's comprehensive descriptions of each perception will help readers recognize others' primary perceptions, and thus enable them to improve relationships with adults. She also advises how to adapt teaching/disciplinary styles for children of each perceptual style.

      Have you noticed certain people or situations press your hot buttons? The Shrinking Comfort Zone Profile will help readers identify which work, home and personal health stressors steal their security and control. Once you recognize them, if you're willing to alter your perception and react positively, you can enlarge your comfort zone. All you have to do is avoid the Brick Wall.

     Sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of our noses, but we need someone to help us open our eyes. Carol Welsh's Stop When You See Red is like a cup of strong coffee. Readers who possess an open mind and determination will find this guide to personal growth insightful. Though the author details how to calculate scores, those who wish to receive a free interpretation can submit their scores to the author's website. Encourage your family, friends and coworkers to take the self-appraisal or sit back and observe their behavioral styles. You might be amazed at how quickly you can improve your relationships. I certainly was.

The Book

Infinity Publishing
November 3, 2004
Paperback - (Revised Edition)
Nonfiction - Self-help
More at 



The Reviewer

Lynda E. Lukow
Reviewed 2005
© 2005