Another Review at MyShelf.Com

SuperSized Kids
How to Rescue Your Child from the Obesity Threat

by Walt Larimore, Sherri Flynt, Steve Halliday

      In today's society the temptation to super size meals for pennies more tempts youngster to take the plunge and enjoy larger proportions. These added calories translate into unwanted pounds and set the stage for unhealthy eating patterns that can carry on into adulthood. It is imperative that parents realize these unnecessary calories are harming their children. Overweight and obese children are susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney and heart disease.

SuperSized Kids: How to Rescue Your Child from the Obesity Threat is an exceptional way to deal with this growing problem. It is a must have for any parent who has kids. It gives readers invaluable information on how important nutrition and exercise are and reveals how kids are affected by the amount of sleep, television, internet, and video games they are exposed to on a daily basis.

This book is very easy to grasp its concept as it caters to individuals by allowing them to take a health assessment quiz. The answers will be what guide the reader to an eight-week journey to a lifetime of good habits. This book is assured to bring family members closer together as they all embark on a healthier lifestyle.

The Book

Time Warner
August 24, 2005
Self Help
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005