Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Sweaty Palms
The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed

by H. Anthony Medley

      In today's ever changing business world a person can expect to be interviewed for a new position at least once every two years. This experience is often one that is met with dread and much stress and concern. Landing a new job can bring you closer to achieving financial success, but the pressure to make a good impression is at an all time high.

     Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed is a must have book that every individual should add to their own personal library. The author has based the knowledge and information that is contained within the pages on his experience of interviewing thousands of people. His straightforward approach will allow you to get to the heart of learning how to master the art of being interviewed. Competition is fierce and jobs grow sparse. Why not arm yourself with a worthy ally by taking the time to read and absorb this book?

     I was highly impressed with the overall context of this informative book. I plan to use it when I find myself looking for career advancement. I feel it leaves other similar books far behind, for it provides in-depth information that should be read and thoroughly practiced. Very highly recommended.

The Book

Warner Business Books
May 19, 2005
More at

The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005