Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Letting Go of Your Bananas
How to Become More Successful by Getting Rid of Everything Rotten in Your Life

by Daniel T. Drubin

The progression to perfection begins by letting go of the ordinary and focusing on a clear vision of what you see your future to be.

This could not have come at a better time in my life. I found myself facing the difficult decision whether to stay in a job I had mastered or to branch out into a new and unfamiliar career territory. For days I struggled with this decision. My friends’ advice didn’t seem to provide the comfort I usually received. I felt torn by not knowing what direction I need to travel. Then I discovered Letting Go of Your Bananas: How to Become More Successful by Getting Rid of Everything Rotten in Your Life, and in a few hours of reading the book from start to finish I had the answer - to take my chances and break out into something new because staying in the same vacuum guaranteed that I would receive more of the same.

There was a sense of peace and reassurance that came over me once I finished this book. It was like the answer was there all along, but I didn’t have the ability to see it. Throughout the pages I found myself highlighting passages that really made a powerful impact on the current situation I faced. After I finished I went back and reread all those highlighted sections, with each one my decision became that much clearer.

This book is for those who find themselves facing one of life’s ever present obstacles of uncertainty. It will bring the problem more clearly into focus. It would be a wonderful addition to your library. Very highly recommended.

The Book

Warner Business Books
September 28, 2006
Non-Fiction/Self Help
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2006
© 2006