Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Relax and De-Stress

by Andrew Weil, M.D., Joshua Leeds

      Imagine that your day has been spent battling obstacles that have allowed your blood pressure to skyrocket out of control. You find that with the end of the day your nerves are set at an all time edge. Does this scenario sound way too familiar? If so, then you are in serious need of a solution to help de-stress the dangerous situation you are experiencing.

Hope comes from Weil and Leeds' Relax and De-Stress. Through this self help audio CD you will find the healing power to allow your brain to experience a sense of calm. Ingeniously, the talented creators use classical music to penetrate into your brain and program a state of relaxation into your self consciousness.

I was utterly amazed at the simplicity of using classical music to allow a person to experience a state of total relaxation. The tracks that are featured on this CD are from some of the most famous composers of all time. Names such as Bach, Mozart, and Chopin all come together in one powerful CD collection.

This is by far one of the most effective relaxation CDs that I have ever had the pleasure of reviewing. In the short time I have had it in my possession it has already earned a place in my keepers collection. I would recommend it to anyone who wishes to gain an appreciation for what true serenity truly means. Very highly recommended.

The Book

Sounds True
September 2006
Audio CD
Non-Fiction/Self Help
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2006
© 2006