Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Authentic Beauty
The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman

by Leslie Ludy

Authentic Beauty is a book every young woman should read before embarking on the quest for true love. In Ludy's book she outlines the need to follow ones own fairy tale dream come true.But, instead of repeating the age-old dream of being swept off ones feet by Prince Charming, she insists that if young women devote their lives to Jesus Christ, they will find a fulfillment in love that is unparalleled.

At 28, Leslie Ludy is the author of six Christian books, an international speaker, and recording artist. She speaks to her generation about issues facing teens and adults today. She emphasizes that many young women today search for the ultimate love relationship only to give up. They come to doubt that such a lifelong romance could exist, and end up settling for less. Ludy believes this is unnecessary if one gives ones life to Christ. She wants women to know that that they don't have to give in to the norms of today's society. She offers guidance and help for women by encouraging them to search for Mr. Right by leading what she calls a “set-apart life”.

Authentic Beauty is a book about real beauty, the kind that comes from within. Unfortunately, young girls are constantly bombarded by advertising that encourages them to cover up their natural beauty with make-up.. In contrast, Ludy's book gives girls encouragement to be themselves and find the truth about their inner beauty, free from compromise.

I found the book to be honest and reassuring and extol it as a must-read for all young girls. If you like the book there is a companion study guide, Going Deeper: A study Guide for the Set-Apart Young Woman.

The Book

WaterBrook Mutnomah Publishing Group
May 19, 2007
More at

The Reviewer

Nicole Merritt
Reviewed 2007
© 2007