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The Get A Life Campaign
The Pocket Guide for the Busy Woman Who Wants it All

by Tyeese Gaines Reid

The Get A Life Campaign by Tyeese Gaines Reid is a practical pocket guide for any woman who wants to find out, in a one-minute miracle read, how to make the most of her busy life. The author certainly has the credentials to tell it all, i.e.: Doctor, Mom, and Writer. It's a quick how-to on a variety of subjects. I especially liked the chapter on staying in bed. I have always taken that permission very seriously and after reading Reid's chapter on it, I now know that it is OK and I don't have to feel guilty.

Because Reid is a physician, she has also added some helpful information on being and staying healthy. And, she hasn't forgotten the pampering section, something we take often for granted and never get around to doing for ourselves.

I enjoyed this book because it wasn't preachy and it was a fast read with a lot of good information. The material was not really anything new, but it focused on a lot of things we forget too easily, so I read it as a reminder to myself. Because it is a pocket book it is easy to carry and reread when you feel the need to refresh your mind. I would give it an “E” for… every female should read it even if you have heard it before.

The Book

Infinity Publishing
April 6, 2007
Self Help
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The Reviewer

Nicole Merritt
Reviewed 2007
© 2007