Another Review at MyShelf.Com

I Promise You
Preparing for a marriage that will last a lifetime

by Willard F. Harley, Jr.

      I Promise You by Willard F. Harley, Jr. is a must-have for couples preparing for marriage. This book has all of the tools you will need to make an informed decision about one of the most meaningful events in human life. Harley explains that there are four promises that must be made and kept in order for couples to enjoy a long and happy marriage. These promises: Care, Protection, Honesty, and Time, help to ensure that both parties are making investments in the correct aspects of the relationship and that each partner focuses on being the best mate possible.

By defining each promise and giving practical examples of how each can be achieved, the author walks couples through some of the hardest lessons that some couples never learn. Most compelling is the author’s statement on the difference between male and female perspectives on relationship priorities. While men tend to place higher value on sexual fulfillment, women tend to place affection at the top of the list. Understanding how this can affect relationship dynamics can go a long way towards bridging communication gaps that often result in arguments and animosity.

The book contains candid discussion about the issues faced by young couples and a myriad of compatibility checklists that can be used by couples to help them make the right decisions. I Promise You is a valuable collection of observations, facts, and diagnostic tools every young couple should include in their discussions about taking the steps toward marriage.

The Book

Fleming H. Revell
October 1, 2006
More at
NOTE: From the best-selling author of His Needs, Her Needs

The Reviewer

Rebecca Benston
Reviewed 2007
NOTE: Reviewer Rebecca Benston is the author of In the Wash: The Rona Shively Stories, with the second installment in the series, Under Lock and Key: The Rona Shively Stories due out in 2007.
© 2006