Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Simple Solutions
Harness the Power of Passion and Simplicity to Get Results

by Tom Schmitt and Arnold Perl
with forward by Frederick W. Smith CEO/Chairman of the Board, FexEx Corp.

      The authors, in collaboration, have chosen to focus on simple solutions for complex business concerns. Their perspectives are directed at the ever-growing need in constantly-growing companies for solutions to management and leadership problems. As the world becomes more and more complex, and computers create a greater ease for doing business globally, it becomes imperative that those who want to be successful in business find new guidelines and methods in how to focus their strengths. These are not new theories in business management, but instead a set of ideas aimed at understanding that complex problems can be reduced to manageable size, and the projected results enhanced by using simple solutions.

The book seems to be based on the current interest in simplicity, and in providing inspiration of a spiritual nature applied to a business framework. Real case studies are used, and studied for their success stories. The authors, one a FedEx executive, and the other a lawyer involved in labor and employment law, have a vast arena of examples to chose from. Aimed specifically at management and executives, they present ideas that could also be used by lower-level company employees who desire an opportunity to move forward in their chosen field. Presenting ideas on practical collaboration, leadership approaches, accomplishing specified intentions, and encouraging staff to successful goal completion, they present steps to providing top-notch leadership. The chapters are short and focused, applying techniques using both right and left brain strengths.

Recommended for anyone who wants to create viable solutions that are not time-consuming or complicated. This book demonstrates clearly that simplicity is the wave of the present, and of the future as well.

The Book

John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Dec 2006
Non-fiction, self-help, management skills
More at

The Reviewer

Laura Strathman Hulka
Reviewed 2007
© 2006