Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Coconut KetoGenic Diet
Dr. Bruce Fife

Piccadilly Books Ltd.
May 1, 2014/ ISBN 978-0-941599-94-8
Health / Self Help

Reviewed by Claudia VanLydegraf


Do you have problems with your Thyroid, a slow Metabolism, using the Cholesterol you take in, knowing the difference from a good Carb or a bad carb? There really are answers, and ways that some of these problems in life could be put onto the back burner and not be worried about anymore. There is a little known way of bringing some of your bodily systems into sync with the needs of your body and the usages. It is called The Coconut KetoGenic Diet, and it will help you in a million little ways, if not a lot of huge ways. The book is by Dr. Bruce Fife, and it is about the natural control of things like gaining and losing weight and controlling your metabolism the easy way and being able to eat fat and still get slimmer by the day. Coconut Oil and other variations of coconut, from the meat inside to the water that can be made and the milk that is already available, all of which you can get at your local market, but no one is telling you about it. The reason no one is telling you might just be because it is readily available and totally natural, and the expense is not going to blow your yearly budget or make a lot of businesses a lot of money on your personal diet.

The Diet Industry is huge and most of it is not necessary, if people would educate themselves about this simple stupid looking hard furry shell or ball grown on trees that then drops off of the trees and into the sand. Coconuts have been around since the beginning of time, they grow plentifully without much help from man and they produce this stuff that normally goes into cakes and cookies and frostings, all of which, if you think about it, makes a person who is looking to control their diet, run very fast the other way, away from the taste of it and the usage of it for any reason. Dr. Bruce Fife has written a book about this and if you are at all concerned about keeping your weight where it is or keeping yourself from gaining any weight or want to try to control your diet at all, take a look at The Coconut KetoGenic Diet. It might provide the incentive and information you need to make good decisions and follow the right way to get to where you want to be with your body and your weight, and it can't hurt you, your thyroid or your metabolism at all, in the process. You just might begin to think about coconuts in a totally different way for the rest of your life. What a thought....

Reviewer Claudia VanLydegraf, is the author of Notes from Nobody
Reviewed 2014