Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Wild Ideas
Creativity from the Inside Out
Cathy Wild

Standing Place Press
January 17, 2017/ ISBN 978-0-9968105-0-0
Self -Help/Creativity

Reviewed by Laura Hinds


I have just finished my first reading of this book. I know that I will read it again. And again after the second time.

Within “Wild Ideas” I found a large part of my lost self. I found a simpatico soul in the author. I found answers to questions I did not know I had.

I was the child who could not draw a straight line, nor sing a note on key, yet I tried so hard for both. I held my hairbrush like a microphone in front of the mirror as I pretended I could be the next Ann Wilson of Heart. I held a bass guitar and tried to learn how to play like Geddy Lee of Rush. In eighth grade, my art teacher gave me a grade of passing with the notation “Consistent in classwork.” The truth was I sat in that classroom day after day, week after week and stared at a blank piece of paper, afraid to even try to draw.

From the opening and through all seven chapters and ending with the closing, I was riveted to each page, even to each and every word. Cathy Wild has a brilliant manner of conveying the inner knowledge of how creativity works that many of us have forgotten.

If you know you are creative, but cannot figure out how to release your creativity, this book will be your guide. If you are creative and already express it, this book will help you to dig deeper. In such a comforting, reassuring and inspirational fashion, Wild brings you into her own world as she shares experiences and insights that speak to the reader on a personal level.

“Wild Ideas” is a unique creativity workshop in a book that should be required reading for anyone who struggles with fear, insecurity, emotional trauma, or simply unrecognized creativity. It unlocks the process to show you how to reach your deepest creativity.

Thank you so very much, Ms. Wild for sharing your own realized dream of writing a book with those of us who do indeed need it. I feel blessed to have your book in hand, and I will cherish it always!

I can’t recommend “Wild Ideas” highly enough and suggest that you order a copy today for yourself and at least one more as a gift for another soul who will benefit greatly from it. Take a walk on the Wild side. You will be grateful that you did!


Reviewed 2017