BRUJA by Mel Odom
Angel TV Series
Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster) - September 2001
ISBN 0743407016 - Paperback
Teen-YA / Horror/TV tie-in

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde,
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At this time of the year with Halloween and then Christmas the traditional times for spooky tales and therefore a good excuse (if you needed one) to curl up with the latest Angel novel. Once again we are back in the halcyon days of the first season when Doyle was still alive and while him and Angel are dealing with a dodgy computer games outfit and a blood delivery service for vampires Cordelia thinks her problems are over at last. For the rich Adrian Heath has invited her onto his yacht to hire Angel Investigations to find his beloved missing wife. But how does all this tie in with the other new menace in town, the dreaded "La Llorona" or Weeping Woman who wants nothing less than to kill all the children she an find?

If you enjoy a mystery story instead of just a straight tale of vampire and demon busting then this will fit the bill better than most with a plot that isn't impossible to guess but is nonetheless entertaining and as usual replete with action. As ever nothing new is learned about any of the characters (a flaw in all the Buffy/Angel novels) but a strong entry into the series and well worth a read if you are a fan.

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