DEAD BALL FOUL by Kayla McGrady 
Overmountain Press – Sept 2000
ISBN:1570721173  - Hardcover
Young Adult - Mystery

Reviewed by Carisa Weeaks,
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Dead Ball Foul is about a girl named Tricia who thinks she has a semi-normal life in a small town until her grandmother’s next-door neighbor and friend, Paul, is killed after refereeing the homecoming game. Aaron, one of the football players and a friend of Tricia’s, is accused of murdering him because he called a foul on him while scouts were there watching him. Tricia, Luke, who is a friend and crush of Tricia, Joe, who is another football player and friends with Aaron, and Aaron search for evidence to clear Aaron’s name and finds themselves in a situation that turns deadly. Can they clear his name and help the cops catch the murderer before the murderer catches them? 

This is a great book for teens. There are no curse words, and the writing is so extremely understandable and nail biting that you’ll stay on the edge of your seat until you find out whom the murderer is. Even then you are held on the edge of your seats. Kayla is a great writer and has great potential to be one of the few who stays around for a long time. 

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