Rex by Fred Yager
Hannacroix Creek Books - November 2001
ISBN: 1889262889 - Hardcover
Young Adult- Adventure

Reviewed by Robyn Glazer,
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Margaret and Sam Ross are very successful paleontologists who are on a very important dig. What they discover on this dig could change life as we know it, but just as they set down their discovery, a man-made explosion occurs, causing Margaret and Sam to fall into a hole and disappear. Left behind in New York City, Davy, their eleven-year-old son, wonders why his parents have not come home. As Davy frets over his parents, their belongings from Africa arrive and inside is what Davy assumes to be a gift for him.
The small egg that Davy has received is put aside until he hears it beginning to hatch. Once hatched what emerges could only be one thing- a dinosaur. Unfortunately there is an evil presence lurking, trying to take this creature away from Davy for his own selfish reasons. As Rex and Davy try to protect each other, they also learn the true meaning of friendship.

This book is so good. I have not had a chance to read a children's book in a very long time and if half the books out there are as good as this, I am going back to reading kid's books! This book does not talk down to children; it speaks to them with intelligence and a wonderful wit. So many funny situations arise out of a kid walking around NYC with a dinosaur. Yager creates a wacky situation but never lets it get out of control. I really fell in love with Davy and hope there will be many more adventures with him.

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