Publish America - 2000
ISBN 1588513076 - 
Teen / Young Adult - Historical

Reviewed by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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A Good Read about a 
Girl in Pirate's Clothing 

 Secrets of the Maiden is a fun read.  Written for the youth market by Mary Gibbs, it is not something I'd normally pickup.  I'm thrilled I did.  I had forgotten how much fun a quick, light read with a few lessons thrown in for good measure could be. 

Alexandra--er,Alex--is a heroine who fights the good fight in boy's clothing and wins.  It is Charlie's Angels, Laura Croft and Spider Woman all in one.  We girls  (of all ages) still need someone to look up to, someone with skills we don't necessarily embrace, someone with courage.  Well, Okay.  Someone with guts. 

Set in the days of the pirates--sometime after America was founded and before buccaneers quit swaggering and started politicizing--this novel utilizes Gibbs' considerable knowledge of fencing.  We are also aware that Gibbs knows something about feminism, more than a little about psychology and a whole lot   about motivating women (young and old) to be true to themselves. 

This little book is a fun, two evening read. 

Those who want more information may want to visit Mary Gibbs' website.

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