A River of Stones
By Kathryn Jones
American Book Publishing - Fall 2002
ISBN: 1-58982-064-9 Trade Paperback
Teen / Young Adult
Reading Ages 12 & Up -Young Adult

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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(Read the first chapter)

Samantha finds her world turned upside down in one brief moment when her father leaves with no explanation. She feels that he has abandoned her. The pain of losing her father and the subsequent divorce is very difficult for Sam to deal with, and is only eclipsed by the addition of a new stepfather and a stepbrother. Her stepfather is a good man, but it just isn't the same as having her own father there. Why doesn't he contact her? The feeling of rejection is poignant and profoundly distressing.

Samantha seeks solace in her two best friends, Bruce and June. Over the next two years, as she approaches adolescence, lonely young Sam searches for answers that no one is willing to give her. Nothing is what it seems, and Samantha discovers a world that holds pain and bitterness, as well as love. She attends a friend's baptism, which gives her new ideas to think about. An old man gives her "The Book of Mormon" that was a gift from his late wife. The book introduces Samantha to religion and changes the way she looks at life and the people she knows.

Kathryn Jones is a sensitive, insightful, author with a great gift of expressing emotion very well. This book will have you laughing and crying and wishing there was more. It is exciting and fast-paced, with wonderful characters, and would be therapeutic for any child who is going through the personal trauma of divorce, and just an exciting read for everyone else.

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