Midnight Predator
By Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Delacorte Press - 2002
ISBN: 0385327943 - Small Hardcover
Young Adult
Fiction / Paranormal / Vampires and shape shifters

Reviewed by: Carisa Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Turquoise Draka is a hunter and a member of the Crimson - the most elite of the Bruja guilds. She is now up for the position of leader of Crimson, as is Ravyn Aniketos, a rival vampire hunter. Just when she thinks that her life couldn't get any more complicated, she and Ravyn are offered a job - to kill the strongest vampire, Jeshickah, who was the owner of the original Midnight and now lives in the rebuilt Midnight. Their plan: get in by posing as human slaves and wait for the right moment. Who knew that their new "owner" would be the key to helping Turquoise understand and accept her dark past as Catherine?

Jaguar is the new owner of the rebuilt Midnight and is determined to make it more like the place it SHOULD be - a place where the vampires rule with mercy and respect, not fear and pain like the original Midnight once was. Jeshickah, the owner of the original Midnight -- the one that was destroyed - and the most powerful of the vampires in the new Midnight has other plans. Will Turquoise and Ravyn get rid of Jeshickah before it's too late?

Once again, Miss Atwater-Rhodes has done it. This story of love, fear, hope, vengeance, and the darkness that is contained in each one, is unique. Her characters are imaginative and unforgettable. You'll never want to put this one down!

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