Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: LTDBooks
Release Date: 2000
ISBN: 1-55316-536-5
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback (available in e-book format)
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Genre: Teen / YA / Fiction / Mystery
Reviewed: 2003
Beverly Rowe
Reviewer Notes:

Lou Dunlop: Private Eye
The Lou Dunlop Series, No. 1
By Glen Ebish 

     High school student Louis Dunlop prefers the work of Raymond Chandler to reading his eleventh grade English textbook, or paying attention in class. Philip Marlowe, Chandler's tough private eye, talks to him, and answers for him in class, but only in Lou's mind. He sure would like to be another Philip Marlowe. Then the teacher moves him from the window seat to an empty seat on the second row that used to belong to Cathy McKenna. Cathy disappeared in November, and no one has used it since. Graffiti on the desk and classmate Jessie's suggestion stir up the detective in Lou, and he and Jessie are determined to find out what happened to Cathy. Edge-of-the seat excitement builds to nearly unbearable tension as the two self-appointed sleuths dig deeper into the mystery.

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