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Publisher:, Inc.
Release Date: 2003
ISBN: 159113322X
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Fiction/Young Adult
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Elaine Broome
Reviewer Notes: Reviewer Notes: Mature sexual themes, some violence

Visiting Grandma
By Debra Stang 

       Adults! Who needs them? Who can trust them? In Debra Stang's Visiting Grandma, thirteen-year-old Danny Bowman is convinced that the adults in his life are even more messed up than he is. There's his mother, who sees life through an alcoholic haze and can't even take care of herself, let alone a confused teen. Then there's Mark, his mom's latest in a series of loser boyfriends. Mark abuses Danny physically and sexually, and then tells him he loves him. How can he know what's real? Finally, and worst of all, there's his grandmother. She's Danny's best friend, the only person who ever protected him and loved him, but she's dying of Alzheimer's and hardly knows him anymore. Danny's sure that the biggest loser of all is himself: after all, his best friend has ditched him because he's gay, his grandmother can't remember his name from one day to the next, and suicide is starting to look better and better.

      Visiting Grandma is a moving book about a young man's search for acceptance, love, and finally, for himself. He's the kind of kid we've all met, a little confused, trying to figure out where he fits in the world, just ordinary. As Danny's world unfolds, we are shocked by the violence that surrounds this ordinary kid, and we are amazed by his strength and courage. Debra Stang makes us feel Danny's sadness and hopelessness, and makes us cross our fingers that somehow he will be okay. This is a beautiful, disturbing story of a truly unforgettable boy.

      Visiting Grandma is for mature young adult readers. Debra Stang addresses the difficult themes of abuse, alcoholism and death with great honesty and compassion. To most of us, Danny's world is far from our safe, ordinary lives. So, go ahead, step out of your world and meet Danny Bowman. You won't regret it.

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