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Publisher: Writers Exchange e-Publishing
Release Date:
ISBN: 1876962 ?
Format Reviewed: e-book
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Genre:   Young Adult Horror
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Shelina Emery
Reviewer Notes:  Buy it at Writers Exchange e-Publishing

Felicity’s Curse
By Robin Helene Vogel

       As twins go, Frankie is constantly picking on his 12-year-old twin sister Tracy. Close to there 13th birthdays, the family moves to Leams, Massachusetts. Tracy and Frankie’s grandmother had died and left the family home to their mother. Once there, however, Tracy begins to notice changes in all of her childhood friends. She is not invited to any of their birthday parties, either. To top it all off, there beloved pet “Muffin,” a small dog, has gone missing.

         While searching for “Muffin” the twins discover bones in the ashes of a bonfire--small animal bones. Tracy hears strange noises in the night coming from the woods behind their house--strange cries in the night, bonfires, and chanting. Needing to find out just what’s going on, Tracy and her brother Frankie set out as detectives and end up with a lot more than they ever bargained for.

         Felicity’s Curse is an awesome read, just right to keep you wondering, and a surprise in the end that will have you gasping. It is perfect for the teen who likes a story that keeps them guessing right up until the very end. The foundation the story was built on is very creative as well. I enjoyed this one very much.