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Publisher: Harper Collins Juvenile
Release Date: May 1, 2004
ISBN: 0688068669
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Teen fiction
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Lynda E. Lukow
Reviewer Notes:  

By Norma Fox Mazer

      Fifteen-year-old Sarabeth Silver is an average teenager until her widowed mother's death turns her world upside down and inside out. Orphaned, with no extended family to call upon, Sarabeth finds herself shuttled between several homes. Grief-stricken, unwanted and lonely, her moods swing between numbness, anger, and depression. Thankfully her dearest friends from high school stick by her and keep her somewhat grounded as she begins the healing process.

        Well written and dramatic. Ms. Mazer pulls readers into Sarabeth's mind by using first person point of view. Settings are detailed enough to provide the characters' base but don't interfere with the conceivable plot. Realistic dialogue brings the characters to life.

      A must read for teens who have experienced the loss of a loved one; Girlhearts offers a candid look at one teen's journey through the dark tunnel of grief, back into living's light. Ms. Mazer, author of a Newbery Honor Book, ALA Best Book for Young Adults, and ALA Notable Children's Book After the Rain, doesn't hesitate to show the often-ugly confusion that accompanies grief. Readers will undoubtedly empathize with Sarabeth's jumbled emotions and might just find strength in the hopeful ending.