Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Beyond Reach
The Secret Life of Samantha McGregor, No. 2

by Melody Carlson

      Beyond Reach is book two in "The Secret Life of Samantha McGregor" series by Melody Carlson and is definitely a step above the first book of the series. First, it jumps right into some very exciting action involving Samantha’s prophetic dreams and terrorists. Then it follows a fascinating search for a boy contemplating suicide, showing some of the more unhealthy sides of teen-on-teen interaction with a peek at a pro-suicide internet discussion board. Carlson spent a lot less time justifying the existence of spiritual gifts, which meant more time for plot and characterization and she used the time well. The issues the book deals with - terrorism, teen suicide, drugs, alcohol, and homosexuality - worked smoothly with the plot and were handled with sensitivity. I found Samantha’s emotional reaction to the people around her especially authentic. She’s a real teen - she gets frustrated with her mother, scared by seeming problems with her relationship with God, and confused by her friends. She doesn’t always know what to do, but she has a believable desire to do the right thing, the thing that God would want. Like the first book, this one has a "cliff-hanger" ending that made me eager to see what Carlson and Samantha will be doing next.

The Book

April 2007
Soft Cover
Teen Fiction / Christian interest
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2007
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2006