Bird by Bird
Some Instructions on Writing and Life
By Anne Lamott
Anchor Books - Reprint (1995)
ISBN 0 385 48001-6
Nonfiction / Writing

Reviewed by: Carolyn Howard-Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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This review is sent to all the gentle readers at My Shelf who are also writers. It is a reminder that Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott is, in fact, a glorious little inspiration for authors in the midst of much controversy about it

That controversy may be benefiting the readership of this national bestseller several years after it was written. Still, I feel compelled to note that it does not deserve the criticism leveled at it recently, mostly by authors, including that it contains little advice and that the author is self-possessed.

"Bird by Bird" does not promise a complete course in advanced writing. The subtitle says "SOME Instructions on Writing and LIFE." What you see is what you get.

This book is a perfect introduction to writing for beginning writers just as, I suspect, LaMott's courses are. More advanced writers should get out their Hi-liters and pay attention not so much to WHAT she says but HOW she says it. It also wouldn't hurt to look at her self-deprecating humor (I don't see where these readers are seeing all that self-absorption stuff--I truly don't!) and her honesty.

This is a book that gives what it promises and more! And yes, some of the advice is similar to advice that has been given by others. Writers' books are sort of a genre of their own--in the vein of King's and others. A little memoir, a little humor, a little advice. How much new can be said about how to write anyway?

Writers or wannabe writers should find this a nice, savory little book to be read a little at a time, "bird by bird."

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