The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing by Tom and Marilyn Ross
Writer's Digest Books, Cincinnati, Ohio
ISBN: 1-58297-091-2
Nonfiction / Writing

Review by: Carolyn Howard-Johnson, MyShelf. Com
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The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing is a book for writers who are new to publishing and those who aren't. It is a book for writers who are already published by big houses or little. It is a book for writers who are scared and trying to decide how to publish and where. It is a book for writers who want to have their books read.

Written by Tom and Marilyn Ross, the gurus of SPAN (Small Publishers of North America), this book is so full of 521 pages of up-to-the-times information I felt like Alice in Wonderland--so many things to choose from. They cover the publishing scene, selling books, and publicizing books. It has all the how-to nitty gritty necessary if you decide to do it yourself.

If you don't decide to self publish, you'll still be glad you have this one under your belt; these days everyone knows that even if you land a big publisher you'd better be prepared to do all the road-work on your own.

This tome includes recommended reading, point-of-purchase suppliers, printers, catalogs, review sources, bookstore chains, and on and on. It also includes the dope on e-publishing. As a reviewer, I should be finding some flaw in this book, so you can believe the praise. Sorry. If they missed a detail you need to know, I don't know what it is. I can only visualize what this might do for any writer's career.


Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the author of This is the Place.

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