The Most Common Mistakes Writers Make and How to Overcome Them
By Sol Stein
St. Martin's Griffin Edition - March 2002
ISBN: 0312267495 - Paperback
Nonfiction / Writing

Reviewed by Nancy Mehl, MyShelf.Com
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HOW TO GROW A NOVEL is not a repeat of STEIN ON WRITING. It is a companion piece. It is also a look beyond the teacher and a glimpse into the man. Likewise, it will cause you to look inside yourself to find the writer you could be.

In 1995, Sol Stein's book, STEIN ON WRITING, was published. Hopeful authors studied it, discussed it, practiced it, and tried to learn everything they could from it. Four years later, Stein's HOW TO GROW A NOVEL hit the bookshelves. Didn't Stein say everything that needed to be said the first time? The answer is yes…and no.

The first book taught us "how to." This book shows us "why." A different tone is set immediately with the first two sentences. "Come, sit. We need to talk." Although many of the same topics are discussed, this time you feel as if you are in a private place, discussing things with this incredible writer and teacher that apply specifically to you.

In the first two chapters, Stein challenged my motivation and focus, forcing me to reevaluate my entire perspective. Who are we really writing for? The truth is, most of us are trying to communicate. But are we really aware of our audience? Are we seeing them as real participants in our writing efforts? Stein drove this point home, as well as many others that are vital to the success of everything we write. The importance of conflict, characters, and plotting are presented in ways that bring the concepts alive. Stein wraps it up with his view of what makes a book memorable - a treasure. It will motivate you to leave the valley of the mundane and reach for the mountain top.

Thank you, Mr. Stein.


Nancy Mehl is the author of "Graven Images" and "Sinner's Song."

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