Writing In Ohio:
Guide to Publishers, Writers' Groups, Educational Opportunities and More…
By Lavern Hall
Writers' World Press - 2001
ISBN: 0963144162 - Trade Paperback
Resource / Writing

Reviewed by: Carolyn Howard-Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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Don't let the word "Ohio" in this title fool you. This is a resource book for writers, wherever they may reside.

Because sometimes the very last is best, let's start there: Check out the appendix. Ohio literary agents may be just as effective as any, right? And, now that writers are computer literate, editorial services can be rendered from Ohio as easily as from our own home towns.

For example, in the section on educational opportunities, you'll find that Cleveland State University has a poetry center and there are four pages of other schools of advanced learning in this book. There are sure to be many that have home study courses, literary journals and other services for writers everywhere. Most are listed with URLs and e-mail addresses.

Elsewhere in this tome of 342 pages, a writer will find useful awards and prizes, book fairs, poetry readings, publishers, retreats, and on and on. Ohio isn't a foreign country. Writers write there and readers read! Ohio is a RESOURCE. But then, author Lavern Hall knows this all too well.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the author of This is the Place.

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