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Publisher: Crum Creek Press
Release Date: April, 2002
ISBN: 0962580473
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Dennis Collins
Reviewer Notes:

They Died in Vain
Edited by Jim Huang

     They Died in Vain is a very interesting and informative collection of book reviews. A must for every mystery fan, it covers over a century of overlooked, under appreciated and forgotten mystery novels.

     Many quality works by a number of well-known authors are included in this roundup. They seem to be books that have somehow slipped through the cracks and tumbled into obscurity.

      As I read this book, I was surprised to see how many top-notch writers were counted in these numbers. Quite a few of them are favorites of mine and even more surprising is that my personal library holds no less than four of the titles listed in this digest.

     Jim Huang has assembled the efforts of some of the industry's top reviewers who have put their spin on these offerings. When you read their comments, it's hard to believe that at least some of these novels didn't make a bestseller list.

     The intent of this book is to point out a handful of real gems that have never received their due respect. Although some of the older titles are out of print, others remain available for their "second chance" at success.

     When you see authors like Georgette Heyer, Loren Estleman, and Barbara D'Amato in the index, you know that the quality is there. It's difficult to say why these weren't the big sellers that their stable mates were but they are all definitely deserving of a closer look.

     They Died in Vain is as much an interesting read as it is a research tool. Either way, it's a winner.

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