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Publisher: Hopewell Publications
Release Date: April 2003
ISBN: 0972690697
Format Reviewed:
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Genre: Non-Fiction/ Writing / Self-Help
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:

Write to Publish
Essentials for the Modern Fiction & Memoir Market
By Christopher Klim 

     Writing is a tranquil fountain that allows the reader the opportunity to look inside the soul of the creator. The journey to write and publish a memorable work is often filled with much confusion and frustration. Sadly, there are many great writers whose names have never been spoken; their work lies buried in a dark bottomless corner that often will never see the light of day. Such as injustice can be prevented by being prepared for what you will encounter once you set out to turn your dream of becoming a published author into a reality. Throughout the page of Christopher Klim’s Write to Publish: Essentials for the Modern Fiction & Memoir Market, I was impressed at how he was able to provide the reader with the essential elements needed to breathe life into a manuscript. His direct approach to teaching how-to-write enable me to clearly see where my own writing fell short, and what I needed to change to add the substance necessary to capture and hold my audience’s attention. In addition, he provided effective marketing techniques on how to reach agents, editors, and more importantly readers. I feel this author is sharing his success strategies by having tried each method personally. Being a published author, he ads creditability to the fact that he does know first hand: the struggles one faces when they make the decision to write a book. I am confident that by following his very detailed advice from point A to Z, there is no way that you could prevent your work from finding its way into the printed world society.

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