Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Ground Rules Press
Release Date: January 12, 2004
ISBN: 0-9744966-1-8
Format Reviewed:
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Genre:   Non-fiction / Book Promotion
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Elaine Hopper
Reviewer Notes:  Reviewer Elaine Hopper is the author of twenty published romance novels.

Putting It On Paper
The Ground Rules for Creating Promotional Pieces That Sell Books  
By Dawn Josephson

       Every author dreams of being a best-seller. Reality dictates that you must be an effective, savvy marketer in addition to producing a superb book. Now even those of us who don’t have a marketing or PR degree can give it our best shot to climb to the best-seller list.

      Putting It On Paper is a must-have tool that should be part of every author’s sales arsenal. Clear and concise, it is a step-by-step guide for creating all the components of the author’s promotional kit.

        Once a dreaded necessity for many authors, in this book promotion is broken down into manageable pieces and made affordable. Although geared to non-fiction book promotion, the same principles can be easily and effectively applied to fiction works.

     Whether you are a first-time author or a seasoned professional, Dawn Josephson has de-mystified and simplified the often-daunting task of self-promotion. I highly recommend adding this reference guide to your library and using it for every one of your books—but only if you want your book to be a success.