Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Making of A Bestseller
Success Stories from Authors and the Editors, Agents, and Booksellers Behind Them

by Brian Hill & Dee Power

      Brian Hill and Dee Power have put together a very comprehensive manual for the person who wants to be a writer. There are interviews with various authors, publishers and agents that are eye-opening and succinct. Both of these people are authors themselves and started on the quest of writing this book to make the whole process a much easier ordeal.

Very informative and well put together for an easy read, so that the layperson and novice writer can understand it and find the help that they need quickly. Since I have a few books inside of me yet to be written and because I am a novice writer, I know that I will be referring back to this book many times before my next books get to the agent, let alone to the publisher. It should be on every writer's bookshelf for reference material.

The Making of A Bestseller is what every person needs to get himself or herself through the abysmal lack of information out there so that they can see the other side and become that best-selling author that they want to be.

I know that Dee Power and Brian Hill worked very hard getting the interviews and information they have put into this book and highly recommend that every writer should pick up a copy of this valuable little tool. If your future is in writing that great American Novel or even your own autobiography, you simply must pick up a copy of The Making of A Bestseller and read every chapter along the road to success.

The Book

Dearborn Trade Publishing - A Kaplan Professional Company
August 2004
SoftCover Paperback
Non-fiction, how-to about book writing, publishing and selling.
More at

The Reviewer

Claudia Turner VanLydegraf
Reviewed 2005
© 2005